Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This is it

Here I am again. Same KaosPilot. Same project. Same location. But a whole new semester, a whole new year. Geri aðrir betur!

So many mountains/challanges/goals have all ready been reached.
Nr.1 I have a customer. Perfect customer
Nr.2 I have the perfect working partner. Perfect I say!
Nr.3 I have a working space, office. Perfect location.
Nr.4 I have important dates set. I have a realistic actionplan.
Nr.5 I have faith, energy and motivation for this project.

I have to write more soon. That will me more of an update, basic information about my actions and decissions that I have done and taken for the last weeks. ALL regarding the holy moly process!

Þetta verður rööööhúúúústt!!!